TNAU Launches Initiative to Boost Farmer Incomes in Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) in Coimbatore has initiated a strategy to increase the income of marginal farmers in Tamil Nadu by diversifying their revenue sources beyond traditional farming. The plan aims to provide an additional monthly income of at least ₹20,000 for farmers owning 2.5 acres. To execute this, 100 TNAU scientists and affiliated college staff will gather baseline data across the State’s 385 blocks, with each scientist responsible for three to four blocks. In Coimbatore, this will cover 12 blocks.
The Vice-Chancellor, V. Geethalakshmi, explained that these scientists will work with block-level agricultural officers to collect data on crops and sustainability. Subsequent phases will include district-wide meetings with farmers, agricultural officers, bankers, and other stakeholders to discuss revenue generation and challenges faced by farmers. The initiative aims to engage farmers in value addition, packaging, and market linkages.
The outcomes of these meetings will be compiled into a policy note for government consideration, influencing future budget allocations. This program not only seeks to ensure sustainable agricultural livelihoods by integrating technology to boost productivity but also hopes to attract youth to agriculture as a viable career.